Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten Mahn‑ und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück

Ravensbrück European Summer School

The European Summer University Ravensbrück takes place every year during the last week of August as an cross-generation conference at the memorial site. It is aimed at an interdisciplinary group of participants consisting of students, scholars, facilitators of historical-political education and other interested parties. The multifaceted program includes lectures, guided tours and workshops, as well as film screenings and performances.

The event takes up current subjects from historical studies and discourses on the culture of remembrance. The programmatic framework is based on the following three key issues: National Socialist rule in Europe, women's and gender history, and the critical examination of the history of European remembrance, always with regard to the special history of the Ravensbrück concentration camp. The aim is to exchange on and link scientific research at concentration camp memorials with universities and research institutions. The event aims to promote a professional exchange and networking on a regional, national and international level. Special attention is given to the encouragement of young scholars, who are invited to present their current theses in the context of a research forum.

The European Summer University is conceptualized by a project group, which is newly constituted each year depending on the topic. This volunteer group of scholars develops the thematic focus, recommends speakers and is involved in the moderation of the individual events within the program of the Summer University.

In 2005, the European Summer University Ravensbrück was founded by the then incumbent Brandenburg Minister for Science, Research and Culture, Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, together with the then director of the Ravensbrück Memorial, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Jacobeit.

In recent years, the European Summer University Ravensbrück has been organized in cooperation with, among others, the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam, the Leibniz Research Network "Wert der Vergangenheit" and the Center for Research on Anti-Semitism at the TU Berlin.

We would like to thank the generous sponsorships from the MWFK, the German Foreign Office, the Mercedes Benz Group, the Alfred-Landecker Foundation and the Kulturförderung Oberhavel.

For questions, please contact ziegelitzravensbrueckde