Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten Mahn‑ und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück

Workshops and Conferences

The Ravensbrück Memorial organises workshops, seminars and conferences on its own and in cooperation with others.

Three series of events have proven to be especially successful:

  • The Ravensbrück Research Workshop was started independently by Ravensbrück researchers and is now an innovative opportunity for external scholars researching topics related to Ravensbrück to meet with Memorial employees.
  • The Ravensbrück Colloquium, first held in 2002, has offered opportunities to explore topics such as the representation of perpetrators, tours as an educational format at memorials (‘Good conduct’), gender questions, and Adorno’s thoughts about ‘education after Auschwitz’ (‘Adorno revisited’).
  • Since 2005, the memorial has held the Ravensbrück European Summer School, which focuses on different topics and is organised with different partners each year. Over the past years, the Centre for Antisemitism Research at TU Berlin and the Leibniz Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam have acted as co-organisers.

The workshops, seminars, and meetings initiated and organised by the Memorial can be found in the events section of this website.

The Ravensbrück Memorial is also always interested in new partnerships.