Past Workshops
Oct. 18/19, 2019 The Group of Civilian Forced Laborers in Concentration Camps
Oct. 26/27, 2018 Wardens: Relationships of Violence in Concentration Camps. Representations and Narratives
Nov. 03/04, 2017 #Ravensbrück: Camp History and Gender in Popular Representations of History
June 10/11, 2016 Current Perspectives in Concentration Camp Research. Gender-sensitive and actor-centered Approaches.
March 16/17, 2012 From Lichtenburg to Ravensbrück - History and Remembrance.
Oct 8/9, 2011 Prisoners' Associations as Actors in the Social Field of Remembrance Politics.
March 4-5, 2011 Dying and Murder in Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
Feb. 19/20, 2010 Sick "Care" and Concentration Camps
Aug. 14/15, 2009 The State of Things - On Dealing with Objects in Ravensbrück. Traditions and Transformations of Meaning
March 2009 Ravensbrück Pictures - Documentation and Reception
Aug. 29/30, 2008 Women and Uniform - History and Functions
March 7/8, 2008 The Return from the Ravensbrück Camp: Respite - Passage - Liberation
Oct.19/20, 2007 Research on Nazi Perpetrators. Postwar Trials and their Representations in Exhibitions and Memorials
March 2/3, 2007 FilmImages of Victims and Perpetrators in Family, Public and Memorials
Oct.27/28, 2006 Victim Identities - Self- and Other-Definition. Individual Messages and Collective Legacies
Feb. 24/25, 2006 Forms of Violence: Representation and Describability
Sept. 9/10, 2005 Forms of Memory and the Power of Images. The Historical Confrontation and Museum Reception of Victims of National Socialism
March 4/5, 2005 Forms of Memory and Images of History. The Historical Confrontation and Reception of Perpetrators/Perpetratresses in the NS
Sept. 8/9, 2004 What Becomes History? Historical Consciousness and Gender in the Current Discourse on National Socialism
Feb. 26/27, 2004 Patterns, Strategies and Forms of Memory in the Post-War Period
July 17/18, 2003 "Giving History a Form" - on the Transfer of Historical Foundations into the Public Sphere
Jan. 23/24, 2003 Reality, Truth and Legends - on the Transfer of Historical Events into Aesthetic Forms
June 27/28, 2002 Biographical articulations and "authenticity" - historical images in different text genres
Jan. 24/25, 2022 Language, Communication and Power
July 5/6, 2001 Power and powerlessness relations in the women's concentration camp Ravensbrück using the example of medical experiments
Jan. 18/19, 2001 Individual and Forced Collectivity in the Context of Research on Concentration Camps and National Socialism
Feb. 24, 2000 The Collision of Historical Images
June 3/4, 1999 Images of Ravensbrück: Construction - Tradition - Method
Dec 10/11 1998 Functional prisoners at Ravensbrück - self-representation, perception by others and tradition of transmission
June 4/5, 1998 Prison Conditions and Possibilities for Action Survival Strategies of Female Prisoners
5/6 Dec 1997 Research on the Ravensbrück concentration camp including the category of gender