Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten Mahn‑ und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück

Forum of the 2/3 Generation

The International Forum of the 2nd and 3rd Generation is a protected space for relatives of former Ravensbrück prisoners to exchange ideas. Moderated and multilingual, the forum offers the opportunity to discuss central questions of today's remembrance work: What role do the descendants of survivors play in preserving history? How do the experiences of survivors shape the lives of their children and grandchildren? And how does the confrontation with this past differ between the generations? The aim of the forum is to reflect on the changing landscape of remembrance, to strengthen the descendants as bearers of the historical legacy and to discuss together the scope for shaping a democratic and open society. The forum aims to integrate the voices of relatives into the memorial work of the future, to stimulate a joint discussion about historical and current challenges such as anti-Semitism, racism and antiziganism and to explore future scope for shaping and acting in politics and society. The forum explicitly aims to promote intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.

The next International Forum of the 2nd and 3rd Generation will take place on Friday, 2 May 2025, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the event hall of the Ravensbrück Memorial. Catering will be provided during the event. Please organise your own accommodation in good time.

The forum is aimed exclusively at relatives of former Ravensbrück prisoners in order to provide a safe space and a confidential dialogue. Further information on the events and registration will soon be available here on our website.